దూర మరియు ఆన్లైన్ విద్య కేంద్రం
(Recognised by Distance Education Bureau, UGC, NewDelhi)

Education is a life-long process. It does not stop at any particular age. The conventional system of education was proved inadequate to accommodate the growing needs of the Indian Society. Therefore, the system of distance education has emerged as an effective alternative to the conventional system of education. Distance education system caters to the needs of those who cannot pursue formal college education and those who wish to improve their knowledge and skills.
To be a centre of excellence in Education and Technology committed towards Socio-Economic advancement of the country.
With the above mission, S.V.University introduced, Institute of Correspondence courses (ICC) in 1972 to extend the frontiers of academic excellence beyond its campus. This Institute of Correspondence Courses (ICC) was upgraded as Directorate of Distance Education is offering B.A, B.Com. & B.Sc, B.L.I.Sc, P.G.Diploma in Industrial Relations and Personnel Management, Guidance and Counselling, apart from the Post- Graduate Courses (M.A., M.Com., M.Sc., M.B.A., M.S.W. and M.Li.Sc. Programmes.
Later, NEP2020 came into existence. The New Educational Policy (NEP2020) and the UGC –DEB (ODL Programmes and online Programmes) Regulations 2020 have several objectives for open Distance Learning (ODL) programmes in India. Accordingly, the name DDE is further upgraded into Center for Distance and Online Education (CDOE) in 2024 as per UGC norms.
The NEP 2020 on ODL and online programmes emphasized on digital technology. Hence, our CDOE also recognized the potential of online and digital technologies in enhancing the reach and quality of education. It also highlights the need to develop digital infrastructure and tools to support ODL and online programmes of our CODE.
Sri Venkateswara University was established in 1954, in Tirupati to cater the educational needs and aspirations of people of the Rayalaseema Region of Andhra Pradesh. After completing 68 years of excellence in teaching, research, extension and outreach activities, the University is committed to cater the needs of higher education offering a full range of post-graduate programs in Arts, Sciences, Law, Management, Education, Physical Education, Engineering and Pharmacy disciplines. From a humble beginning of one College with six departments, the University has now grown into the second largest University in Andhra Pradesh having five constituent Colleges Viz. College of Arts, College of Sciences, College of Commerce, Management & Computer Science, College of Pharmacy, and College of Engineering accommodating 52 departments offering 88 programs.
The University has made rapid strides in the field of higher education and research and is adjudged as one of the best Universities in the country and got ACCREDITED with ‘A+’ GRADE BY NAAC-2017.
The most commonly reported advantage of studying in Sri Venkateswara University are good teachers and “positive environment”. The students are not only taught but given Hands-on training and career preparation. Sri Venkateswara University has been reviewed by Various National and international agencies and ranked as below.
Various prestigious rankings and Academic credits of Sri Venkateswara University.
Sri Venkateswara University is on top in research and innovation. The University has expertise and connections to help young researchers at every stage. From the inception of the University the faculty, students and research scholars, post-doctoral fellows have been extend the boundaries of knowledge which is evident from the
The University is also selected under RUSA component 4 for Rs.100 crore. Under this program Centres of Excellence in (i)Nano & Micro Satellite (ii) Earth & Atmospheric Sciences (iii)Material Sciences (iv)VLP Technologies (v) Herbal Drug Development (vi) Psycho & Bio Sciences (viii) Water Resources and (ix) Bio Energy, are established.University is having a National facility UGC-SVU center for MST Radar Applications selected under Centre for Potential of Excellence in a particular area (CPEPA) by UGC, New Delhi and awarded with Centers for Advanced Study (UGC-CAS), Based on research output university was awarded DST-PURSE program.
Several departments have received Special Assistance Programmes (SAP) from UGC, New Delhi FIST program from DST, New Delhi to improve infrastructural facilities. Most of the faculties are receiving research grants from various National and International funding agencies like UGC, DST, DBT, CSIR, ICMR, ICSSR, BRNS, ISRO, MNES, MoES, MoEF, DRDO and foreign institutes such as UNESCO, UK-DFID, ICRISAT, European Commission Programme ERASMUS MUNDUS. Utilizing these impressive funding, the faculty of the University have proactively interacted with Industry, Academic and Research Institutes at National and International level and entered into collaborative research agreements through MoUs (Memorandum of Understating) to conduct research work in frontier areas of National & International importance.
The students belonging to socially and economically backward communities and get State and Central Government Welfare Scholarships. Fellowships and Scholarships are also offered to research students of the campus by the University and also by the UGC, CSIR, DAE, ICMR, ISRO, ICAR, ICPR, ICHR, ICSSR, DST, DRDO, SRNS and Rashtriya Sanskrit Sansthan.
The University central library is the major resource centre that provides information for research students and faculty. It provides unlimited access to the UGC INFONET e-resources and e-journals through UGC INFONET Digital Library Consortium. Besides the addition of latest books related to both teaching and research in the main library, most of the departments have developed departmental libraries by utilizing the grant from the University or from special assistance received from funding agencies like UGC, DST, etc. A Digital Library for PhD Theses submitted to the University has been designed using DSpace, an Open Source Software developed by HP and MIT, USA. 3,000 PhD Theses have been digitalized and uploaded to the Shodhganga database. This gives easy access to the PhD theses and research documents.
The University provides residential facilities to Graduate, Post Graduate Students research scholars, Post-Doctoral fellows and other researchers in the hostels specially earmarked for them on the campus. Summer fellows, research associates, visiting scientists and faculty from other universities and academics are also provided accommodation in the university guest house. The university campus is completely Wi-fi connected. The university provides computer and uninterrupted internet facilities for research students, fellows as well as to the faculty on the campus. Direct internet facility and common internet hubs are set-up near the hostels and quarters on the campus to provide internet access at free of cost.
To further enhance the status of the University and to compete with the top Universities at National and Global level through continued development during 2019-2020, additional Buildings for E-Class Rooms, Establishment of Incubation Centres, On-line Examination System/expansion of Laboratories to meet the requirements of new Courses are on the pipeline. Besides meeting the infrastructure facilities of Office, Cultural Centre and world Class Gymnasium and Sports facilities are available. Digital Library, Wi-Fi Connectivity, Networking, Smart Campus, Air-Conditioned Auditorium, Development of Greenery and State of the modern art furniture in classrooms, faculty rooms, offices, Guest House and Auditorium are under progress.
Besides strengthening the existing curriculum, new Courses are being planned under MERU program.